Sunday, 29 June 2014

Out and about the food hourglass way

I have been in a place with no internet signal for a couple of days, which is why I have suddenly posted three times on one day. I wrote a post every day but couldn't find a place which would let me send it out to you. I have been among mountains and waterfalls and blue slate houses. I have floated in a clear tarn and looked out towards Langdale Pikes in the land of Wordsworth and Coleridge.

Following the food hourglass way of eating was easy when I visited Fellinis in Ambleside. Here they serve wonderful lentil moussaka with roasted vegetables. You can visit them here

Today however I succumbed to a piece of banana cake at

Betty Fold Tea Rooms and Gallery

When I asked if they had soya milk they told me they didn't do healthy stuff. In fact they served a wonderful mild Darjeeling and I noticed they also had loose white and green tea on the menu, so I would beg to differ on the health front. If you are ever near Tarn Howes, Ambleside, I strongly recommend them, though the cakes were definitely not sugar free, they were gloriously light. The sunny, leafy setting was so beautiful it was bliss to stop off and watch the birds in the garden and browse in the gallery for an hour.

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