Sunday, 29 June 2014

The Food Hourglass plan is rooted in science

Dr Verburgh is filled with enthusiasm about the food hourglass way of eating. I have been wondering why someone so young has such an interest in the science of ageing. When I was his age I was happily eating whatever I liked without any visible ill effects. I tried not to eat too many high calorie foods, but as I remember I didn't often succeed. I didn't give ageing a second thought. In fact I thought old age happened to other people. I couldn't truly believe I would some day need to stop running because of back pain or sometimes need a lie down in the afternoon.

Dr Verburgh on the other hand seems to have been born curious about how to keep our bodies younger for longer. I now see that he is also so enthusiastic about his eating plan because of the quality of research behind it. He does not quote obscure, inconclusive pieces of work. They are major studies, with huge numbers of subjects. The evidence is clearly corroborated and published in respected mainstream scientific journals. He is standing on the shoulders of giants to give us his message.

Of course there may be later studies which seem to disprove some of what appears to be the case today. That's true of all scientific research. What the Food Hourglass does however, is present the most up to date, cutting edge thinking about how our eating affects our health and the rate at which we age. 

As I have been reading The Food Hourglass (I have now finished reading it). I am beginning to see food as medicine. Not in some flaky, untested, intuitive kind of way, but in a way that is firmly rooted in science.

The way I was eating was ageing me prematurely. I can stop that now and in a real sense, eat myself younger. 

So can you.

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