Sunday, 29 June 2014

Rye bread is a good food hourglass choice

We've eaten the rye bread and no, I didn't eat all of it myself. I'm sure Rob had a small piece. Anyway, I now have a sensation in my gut like I imagine swallowing an economy pack of scouring pads might feel. Perhaps I've overdone it. The starter is replenished and bubbling nicely.

 My sister Lucy and Mr J sell beautiful rye sourdough bread from their shop, The Dispensary. They buy it from Botton bakery. Botton is an intentional community and a part of the Camphill Village Trust. Bottom bakery produces gorgeous breads and sells to the community around Whitby, Guisborough and the surrounding villages. 

Mr J tells me that the Botton bread is proved in baskets and that the mix is very loose, so the impression of the basket is often imprinted on the finished bread. My next attempt at rye sourdough will be in a loaf tin, to contain the softer textured dough. The starter will be ready Sunday, and I'm looking forward to having another go at getting the bread a little bit lighter. I've only managed to make this latest loaf edible by soaking it for a long time in chicken stew.

I have been doing a bit more exercise this week, though I don't want to overdo things when I am not 100%. I have been swimming and attended a stretching class, which both made me feel much better.

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