Sunday, 22 June 2014

Healthy food, a healthy walk and more food hourglass talk

Today I met my friend Katie for a Sunday walk along the cliffs at Ravenscar to Boggle Hole. We are both initiated into the principles of the food hourglass  and so agreed to bring contributions to a healthy lunch. This turned out to be a feast, as we had both provided enough food for a small family.

 The sea was pewter under heavy cloud and it threatened rain. We ate raw carrot, celery, peanut butter sandwiches made from buckwheat bread, oatcakes, Brie, strawberries, no sugar chocolate brownies and green tea from a flask. The village was filled with cyclists and walkers keen to feel the sea breeze and, like us, to look out across huge skies to the tumbling cottages of Robin Hood's Bay.

Our walk took almost three hours. We passed woodland, bridges, fields filled with buttercups and talked about food and friendship. Back in Ravenscar we treated ourselves to a tray of tea at the Raven Hall Hotel which stands majestically on the cliffs above the sea. Beautiful sweeping lawns, croquet, the scent of roses. 

I returned home to a tired Rob who had been preparing for a building job tomorrow. He had also been pottering in the greenhouse, tending his tomato, cucumber and lettuce plants. The tomatoes are the colour of the setting sun. They taste sweet and wonderful like tiny mouthfuls of summer. 

 Our dinner has been left over sweet potato curry for me and steak for Rob. He sometimes falls in with the food hourglass, but at other times, like tonight, goes mad with a splodge of mashed potato smothered with anchor butter.  Almost time to settle down to a nut milk cocoa and the last episode of the TV series Fargo- what could be a better close to a weekend?

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