Sunday, 6 July 2014

Are milk and yoghurt healthy?

Today I've been talking with Dr Verburgh about milk and yoghurt. Apparently we find it difficult to digest milk products. (Cheese is the exception). If we drink a lot of milk we run a higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Women also have a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer if they drink milk daily. Milk is also linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer.

But doesn't milk contain healthful calcium?  Actually vegetables also contain large amounts of calcium. Kale contains about four times as much calcium as milk. Vegetable calcium can strengthen bones and therefore protect against osteoporosis. We have been brainwashed by advertising to assume that milk is the best source of calcium. The less desirable effects of milk on the system outweigh any benefit. 

Yoghurt upsets the gut and does not help the digestive system. So all those adverts which promote yoghurt as healthy, in fact almost as a medicine are hype and nothing more. Cheese however is fine because it is already partly pre digested.

Overall it seems better to replace milk and yoghurt products with nut milk, soya milk, oat or hemp milk, soya yoghurt and tofu. 

I realise that I need to research more recipes that feature soya products such as tofu. I have always regarded tofu as bland and uninteresting. Now I know how good it is for me, I need to find ways to jazz it up. 

Oh incidentally, bravo Djokovic but all praise to gracious Federer. What an amazing and humbling match to watch. They both deserve so much respect. Roll on next Wimbledon.

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