Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Sweet potato soup with ginger, coconut and chilli

Here  is a great food hourglass recipe I devised myself which is good on day one and seems even better day two when the flavours have mingled. You will need a blender.

Sweet potato soup with ginger, coconut and chilli

2 tablespoons coconut oil ( or use olive oil, but add 2 tablespoons coconut cream when prompted)
1 onion, peeled and chopped 
I tablespoon finely grated ginger
2 cloves garlic
1 large sweet potato peeled and chopped into smallish cubes
Three vegetable stock cubes dissolved in two pints of water
Half to 1 teaspoon chilli flakes (to taste)
Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper

Fry onion in coconut oil  (or olive oil if using) on medium heat for about ten minutes until starting to brown. Add ginger, garlic and chilli and fry for a further two minutes. Add the chopped sweet potato and stock. Reduce heat to a simmer. Put on the lid and leave for 15 to 20 minutes until the sweet potato is soft when pricked with a fork. Check from time to time and if the mixture is simmering dry, add a little water. If you used olive oil now is the time to add the coconut cream. Stir in until melted.

Take off the heat and blend  until smooth. Season well with sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste, add boiling water if the mixture seems a little too thick and serve with chunks of rye bread and cheese.

This is delicious and even nicer if you eat with friends. I took this to my friends Nicola and Pascal for lunch and we ate it with French cheese. They are editors and publishers. You can see their website at

Bon appetit!

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